Are You Ready To

Grow Your Coaching Practice

& Build Your Systems To Scale!

Join The 2024 Clients With Purpose Group Coaching Cohort 

PLUS Get All The Crazy Bonuses When You Join Before The Clock Runs Out...

A 6 month group coaching program for the heart-centered coach and expert who is ready to expand their impact, and turn their skillset into a scalable coaching program... 

In your first 30 days, you will price, package, and position your offers for maximum impact.

Then over the next 60 days, you will promote your program by getting visible and building your audience.

Finally, you will have an additional 90 days of extra support as you continue to grow your coaching practice.

Our team of highly-trained coaches will dive deep into YOUR business and help you design, implement and scale a strategy so you can...

Build Scaleable Systems

​Establish Yourself As An Industry Expert

​Start & Grow Your Dream Team

Have A Sales & Visibility System You Can Rinse & Repeat

Make Confident Business Decisions

​Get "Un-Stuck" And Start Making Real Progress

This is not a course that will sit in some folder on your computer...

This is a high-level, high-activity group coaching program filled with entrepreneurs who will keep you accountable to doing the WORK. 

Once you learn how to effectively create a buying experience that gets your clients excited about working with you (no matter what business you're in)
you'll succeed.

Through weekly 60 Minute coaching & implementation calls, full-day
"Get It Done" intensives, and up-to-date training for 2024, you'll have everything you need to get your coaching program off the ground...


made $10,497 her first month in Clients With Purpose...


was working a 9-5 and
wanted out...


Landed a $4,500/mo Group Coaching client just 4 weeks into the program...

Here's How It Works

Step 1 

Build Your "Audience of Buyers"

Instead of listening to all the "experts", you're going to spend time engaging in your market using secret "audience building" strategies that will position you as an authority in your industry...

You will use the exact "Message To Market" system that has worked for hundreds of our students who turned their skillset into a highly visible coaching experience. 

Step 2 

Structure Your Program For Maximum Market Impact

In this phase, you'll decide on crucial details that typically make or break the success of a coaching program, like...

How long your coaching programs should be (If it's too short, they won't get the results they want. If it's too long, they won't complete your program. Getting this right is a MUST before launching.)

How much to charge (Most people price their programs based on their "money fears" and end up losing clients and revenue because of it. We'll handle both the strategy and the mindset around your program pricing.) 

How to structure your group sessions so your clients take meaningful action. (Too many coaches show up to their calls and just "wing in." Instead, we're going to show you our tried-and-true, science-based approach to helping clients actually move the needle forward.)

Step 3 

Launch Your Coaching Program Using Ethical & Heart-Centered Conversion Techniques

Imagine getting dozens (even hundreds) of people raising their hands on Social Media to get access to your first group cohort (without any pressure, sleaze, or sketchy "tricks")

You'll strategically build awareness and make invitations to the right people as you build a group of the most aligned and committed people you're excited to work with.

Here's What You Get

When You Say Yes Today

Instant Access to the 7 Phase Roadmap & Video Library

Instant Access to the 7 Phase Roadmap & Video Library

When you join Clients With Purpose today, you will receive instant access to 100+ CORE Video Training lessons, split into 7 Easy Modules...

Phase #1: Thinking Like A CEO – 

where you'll work on your mindset, perspective, and do deep inner work so you can find and create opportunities for your business.

Phase #2: Crafting Your High Ticket Group Offer – 

where you'll conduct strategic and quality interviews, uncover the "story of transformation" your clients are looking for so you can craft your high-ticket offer with confidence.

Phase #3: Packaging Your High Ticket Group Offer –

where you'll build the online infrastructure for your program, including the packaging, pricing, and positioning of your offer.

Phase #4: Build Your Heart-Centered Sales System – 

where you'll piece together your booking process, sales page, payment strategy, client onboarding method, and client retention strategy using our one-then-done system.

Phase #5: Group Sales Master –

where you'll rehearse with our expert coaches to get you ready to land high-paying clients in a way that's easy and aligned to your values and business.

Phase #6: Your Initial Launch –

where you'll leverage all the relationships you've built so far in the program to promote your program and get in front of your social audience.

Phase #7: Building Your Audience –

where you'll leverage a 30-day marketing sprint to identify target markets, create strategic content, build awareness and engagement, and use strategic collaborations to build a "ready-to-buy" audience you can tap into again and again.

​Phase #8: Your Signature 6-Figure Launch –

where you'll create a highly-engaging online experience, make an offer (without sales calls!) and build a repeatable system you can use to generate cash for your business (without the revenue rollercoaster most entrepreneurs struggle with).

Listen, watch & read hundreds of training resources broken down into easy to follow "Execution Plans" so you can take action, make progress, and maximize your results every single day.

A 30-Minute 1-on-1 "6-Figure Mapping" Session

A 30-Minute 1-on-1 "6-Figure Mapping" Session

 Valued at $1,497  

This is your first step into the world of 6+ Figure Living!

You will map out the exact business model, offers, and clients to focus on within your first 90 days in Clients with Purpose.

Your 365-Day Roadmap

Know exactly what you should be focusing on every single day for the rest of the year with this 365 Day Roadmap, including a daily sales checklist, weekly training schedule, and content ideas, so you can get visible fast!

24/7 Online Access to Coaching & Accountability

24/7 Online Access to Coaching & Accountability

"It's like having a coach in your pocket 24/7..."

On a sales call and need real-time support? Have a question you're stuck on? Expert support is a simple message away! 

You’ll gain access to our exclusive Facebook Group (a free communication platform), so you never feel like you’re in this alone. 

LIVE 60 Minute Coaching & Implementation Session Every Tuesday at 9am PT

LIVE 60 Minute Coaching & Implementation Session Every Tuesday at 9am PT

It’s not uncommon to leave one of these calls and be able to go and take meaningful action that leads to breakthrough.

Stay accountable and take meaningful action every Tuesday with other high-achieving coaches.

Real-Time "Sales" Role-playing Sessions and Sales Call Breakdowns

Real-Time "Sales" Role-playing Sessions and Sales Call Breakdowns

Have a sales conversation not go your way? Let’s dissect it to discover how you can improve your process and show up confidently to your next conversation.

We'll also set you up to practice and review your strategy, sales, and process, so you can get live feedback on how you’re handling the sales call before you “get into the field”. This way, you can see where you would have lost the sale before it happens so that you can actually close every client you get on a call with. 

(Role-playing in sales conversations is THE single most important thing I did to get results in my coaching).

Expert "PROFIT" Masterclasses

Expert "PROFIT" Masterclasses

on hot topics like copywriting, sales, money mindset, negotiation, Facebook ads, etc. Anything you need, we’ve got experts who’ve taught on it.

Learn from the top experts in the industry as they share their #1 "PROFIT" Generating Strategy! Dive deep into the how-to's and tactics of how they build business, create impact, and serve their clients, so you can replicate their process again and again.

Masterclass Experts include: Molly Pittman, Myron Golden, Jasmine Star, Nicole Walters, Alex Schlinsky, Landon Porter, Marcus Sheridan, Marcus Murphy, Brad Martinaeu, and many others...

Your Heart-Centered Sales System...

RIGHT AT YOUR Fingertips

What's Included:

What's Included:

7-Phase Certified Mastery Trainings & Video Library

Money Mapping Session 1-on-1 with ShawnQ

A 365-Day Roadmap

​24/7 Online Access to Exclusive Support

​LIVE 60 Minute Coaching & Implementation Sessions 

Real-Time "Sales" Role-playing Sessions and Sales Call Breakdowns

​Expert PROFIT Masterclass




Conversion events will scale your program faster than anything else. With our Launch-In-A-Box, you'll receive every email, social media post, powerpoint, marketing strategy and a complete sales system to host your own launch.

Full-Day "Get It Done" Intensives

Join us for a Full-Day "Get It Done" Virtual Intensive where our team will spend a full day (or even two) helping you...

➤ Craft your marketing materials for the launch of your group coaching program... 

➤ Develop your leadership and abundance mindset so you can welcome growth in your life and business...

➤ Create a strategic on-boarding system that makes a great first impression to new clients (emails, contracts, retention strategies galore!)

And so much more...

Special Note: These intensives are high-action workshops that will take your business to the next level in a single day...

Turn your skill into

A Impact-Driven Coaching Program

WANT EVEN MORE ACCESS?Upgrade to "Next Level"

Everything included in CLIENTS WITH PURPOSE PLUS...

4-Day Asset Creation Retreat

4-Day Asset Creation Retreat

 Valued at $24,979  

Fly into the our Colorado Springs Studio and leave with hundreds of marketing assets (like branded photos, funnels, websites, lead magnets, and more...)

  • Day 1 - Dinner with ShawnQ & The Team

  • ​Day 2 - Branded Photos, 90-Day Content Creation

  • ​Day 3 - Video & Audio Assets in the Heck Yes! Studio

  • ​Day 4 - Departure (With Assets In Hand!)

You'll leave filled with momentum and excitement to get visible and be seen in your market and online...

5-Hour Intensive with a Visibility & Brand Designer

5-Hour Intensive with a Visibility & Brand Designer

 Valued at $2,497  

Meet with our Brand Strategist and receive a complete brand makeover, including...

  • Branding Colors

  • ​3 Brand Fonts

  • ​Company Logo

  • ​Social Media Templates

  • ​1-2 Page Lead Magnet Design

A 6-Step Funnel

 Valued at $14,997  

Get your entire marketing and sales funnel designed, built, and published by ShawnQ's own team so you can just show up online and do what you love most...

Funnel will include...

  • Freebie Opt-in Page

  • ​Freebie Thank You Page

  • ​Program Sales Page

  • ​Program Thank You Page

  • ​Call Booking Page

  • ​Call Booking Confirmation Page

Onboarding Email Set Up

 Valued at $4,997  

Look and feel professional with every new client as we set you up with your own onboarding system. (This happens all on auto!)

In-House Studio Access At No Additional Cost

In-House Studio Access

Fly in whenever you want to professionally record your content for an entire year 

 Valued at $9,997  

Fly into the Heck Yes! Headquarters and Studio in Colorado, and professionally record your own course training and materials.

Book time at the studio at no additional cost to you!

We'll even throw in a "What to wear on camera" consultation, a bonus training on how to present with confidence, and walk you through the entire process of creating a high-ticket course.

Consider this YOUR TIME TO SHINE and stand out from a crowded space.

Everything You Need...

RIGHT AT YOUR Fingertips

What's Included:

What's Included:

Clients with Purpose –

  • 8-Phase Certified Mastery Trainings & Video Library

  • 6-Figure Mapping Session 1-on-1 with ShawnQ

  • A 365-Day Roadmap

  • ​24/7 Online Access to Exclusive Support through Slack

  • ​LIVE 90-Minute Training & Coaching Sessions 2x A Week

  • ​Weekly 60-Minute Q&A Calls

  • ​Real-Time "Sales" Role-playing Sessions and Sales Call Breakdowns

  • ​Expert PROFIT Masterclass

Next Level –

  • 4 Day Asset Creation Retreat

  • ​5-Hour Intensive with a Visibility & Brand Designer

  • ​A 6-Step Funnel for Lead Generation and Program Sales

  • ​Onboarding Email Set Up

  • ​In-House Studio Access


  • Launch-In-A-Box

  • ​4 "Get It Done" Intensives

  • ​4 Weekly Coaching Calls EXCLUSIVELY for New Members


had her first $10,000 month in Dec 2018 & started charging $2,500 an hour as a leadership development & Team Building coach


used to charge $500 for her coaching program... Now she charges $500/month minimum as a health coach!


didn't think she could charge higher prices as a fertility coach... We proved her wrong and now she charges $10,000 for her work!

You are an EXTRAORDINARY coach.
You are an EXPERIENCED consultant.
You are a HIGHLY-SKILLED freelancer.


But First, a warning...

Without a scalable model that maximizes your impact and revenue, you don't have a business. You have a hobby.

Only 4% of businesses make it to 1 million dollars in annual revenue. 

Which means, over 95% of entrepreneurs are stuck in a business that will never succeed, and they don't even know it.

(Sad... I know...)

The worst part is: it's not their fault. (Or yours...)

You're spending hours, day and night, searching Facebook groups, watching webinars, scanning YouTube trying to discover a strategy that will work for you. 

Experts, gurus, and courses convince you that funnels, websites, content, and groups are the way to more money, more freedom, and more fun...

But it's all a lie...

  • Go Live More Often... 

  • ​Post More Frequently... 

  • ​Start A Podcast... 

  • ​Write a Blog... 

  • ​Film a Video... 

The Gurus Have Lied to You...

Want the (hard-earned) truth?

You're spending the wrong amount of time, doing all the wrong things, in the wrong order, and are likely set up to fail.

Blogs, podcasts, and funnels are not business models. They're just one small part of a much larger strategy the guru's don't show you.

Look - the worst thing is watching an entrepreneur who grinds their day away thinking they're on the right track...

They may have comments, but they don't have clients...

They may have likes, but they don't have leads...

They may have viewers, but they don't have buyers...

Does This Sound Familiar?








Guess what?

  You're not alone...

Most entrepreneurs struggle.

They don't know where to start, what to focus on, and whether or not they're making progress.

At the end of the day, all you want are... 

  • Clients who are proud (and looking forward) to work with you.

  • Clients who pay you well and value you as a professional.

  • Clients who do the work and are committed to getting results.

Hi there, 

Hi there, 

I'm ShawnQ...

I LITERALLY hated my calendar.

My wife and I had just gotten married, and I had quit my 9-5 and loved what I was doing, BUT...

❌ I was still stuck in a "time for money" model because I was only offering 1:1 programs...

❌ I was still settling for a glass ceiling in my income...

❌ And there was a barrier to how much impact I could create...

That's when I created our FIRST coaching program in 2018 and in that first year, we 3x'd our revenue (sales), testimonials (impact), and referrals (growth.)

We literally just made a FEW tweaks to our business model and deliverability and it was life changing. 

That's when I learned SIMPLE is SCALEABLE, and that I wanted to be a BUSINESS OWNER, not just "be my own boss in a job I created for myself."

🎉🎉🎉 Now I work 3.5 days a week and it's glorious 🎉🎉🎉 

Are you ready to discover a better (and easier) way of landing clients?


was stuck giving away her coaching for free because she was afraid of saying her price...


landed 2 high-ticket clients (on retainer) and it changed her life...


went from landing $500 coaching clients,to landing $15,000 coaching clients in just 3 months...

a 6-Month Group Coaching Program

Like You've Never Experienced Before...

Clients With Purpose is your next Big bold step forward in your coaching journey.

If you are a…

  • Coach who can shift perspectives, change mindsets, and open possibilities.

  • Consultant who brings vast experience that can pull clients out of the weeds.

  • Service provider who has crafted your skill and can get world-class results for your clients.

We want to work with you!

Listen, this is not another investment you won't implement.

If you choose to work with us (and we choose to work with you).


This is deep, intensive group coaching.

The type where we put fire under your feet and hold you to your word.

The type where you're forced to take action, and we won't accept your excuses.

Expect to get uncomfortable. Expect to do the work. And expect to land high-paying, high-achieving clients.

How Does the Program Work?

All the support material, downloads and instructions are provided in our members-only website (The Training Vault.) You'll get immediate access to the entire library and have a roadmap with step-by-step instructions, important milestones and celebrations, and a checklist of what to focus on.

Each module consists of several short video lessons. Downloadable audio versions, transcripts, and lesson summaries are also provided so that no matter how you like to learn, we have you covered.

We also have fun interactive components that help you retain everything you've learned and, the entire site is optimized for your mobile device so that learning on the go is easy and convenient.

Why this might be a great fit for you:

1. You are surrounded by other results-focused Coaches

We curate experts and members from around the world to support your growth and progress. You won't be berated for not understanding something, and we'll always teach you honest, integrity-based tactics. (No sleazy-manipulative marketing strategies allowed.)

2. You will be supported the entire time

Highly-trained support coaches are on stand-by, ready to answer every question and support you along the way. You'll always be just one message away from help. 

3. You'll have our world-class 7-day cancellation policy

You can rest assured knowing that you're investment is safe with us. We want you to be invested in your success. If you sign up and don't believe this is the right program for you, send us an email and we'll cancel you on the spot.

Clients With Purpose is your next step to creating high-achieving, high-paying clients, again and again.

  • Clarify Your Goals

  • ​Define Your Business' Vision

  •  Create Loyal Clients

  •  Get More Done In Less Time

  • Craft Compelling Offers

  • ​Transform Lives

This IS perfect for you if you are: 

A Coach, Consultant or Service provider who is willing to work harder, smarter, and more consistently than ever before

Ready to get out of the "Hustle/Grind" game and want to create a sustainable, steady stream of high-achieving & high-paying clients

Driven to change lives and are ready to get generously compensated for the deep transformation you create in the lives of your clientsDivider

This is NOT for you if you: 

Want "easy" or "get-rich-quick" money... You're going to be pushed and held accountable to taking consistent, massive action every single day

Are afraid to get out of your comfort zone... There's no such thing as "I can't..." in Clients With Purpose; there is only "I will - watch me."

Unwilling to try something new... If you're a "know-it-all, self-titled guru," we're not the people for you

Your CRAZY, SUPER-INSANE"What the Heck?!" guarantee...

If you somehow manage to NOT land a client during our time together, I will personally take your sales calls and help you close a sale.

"You're Fully Covered..."

Try Clients With Purpose for a Full 7 Days, 100% Risk Free

If you are unhappy with the TRIBE Experience during the first 7 days, I will cancel your account immediately.


Over the last 8 years, I have been working with thousands of entrepreneurs in all kinds of niche markets. I’ve also been coaching and consulting well known experts and influencers helping them launch their high-ticket offers and businesses. So I’ve seen what works in more markets than I can possibly explain. And, most importantly, I’ve personally been in the trenches growing my own high-ticket business. 

That means I’ve invested thousands of hours mastering this craft. And, I’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money testing, tweaking and identifying the few key strategies that make all the difference.

These strategies have produced tremendous results for me and my clients. But before putting them into a mastermind, I knew I needed to replicate them in a wide variety of markets. So I have flown all over the U.S. sharing the course materials with multiple groups – many of which started with no idea on who they would serve or how to structure their offers.

And after they implemented these strategies, they too created successful high-ticket offers on all kinds of topics…producing similar results…often better. The Heck Yes! process just flat out works. It’s based on years of experience and from the interaction and research with thousands of entrepreneurs.

That's why it's backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Go through the course. If you don’t love it, email me at any time during the first 7 days, show me you’re doing the exercises, and I’ll immediately cancel your account.

Have Additional Questions?

What is Clients With Purpose?

Clients With Purpose is a 6 month program supported by an 8 module roadmap that gives you the clarity and confidence to sell high-ticket offers and scale your business to 6 (and even 7) figure businesses.

The mastermind is led by ShawnQ who has over 8 years experience working with thousands of high-achieving entrepreneurs. This knowledge has been distilled down into a "7 Phase System" inside of the mastermind experience that will make all the difference for you and your business.

How is the content delivered?

Upon enrollment, you will receive an email to create your account where you will get immediate access to your roadmap and hundreds of short and easy to watch videos designed to get you into action. We will also schedule a 1-1 onboarding session with you to make sure you're on the right track.

How much time will it take to go through the training?

Clients With Purpose is a 6-month group coaching program. And although our members have gotten results within a week of joining the mastermind, the typical member experiences lasting results within the first few weeks.

What are my payment options?

There are several options for every level of business! Book your call today and discover what your next step looks like!

When do I need to enroll by?

Enrollment closes Friday, January 25, 2024 at 11:59pm PT.

How long do I have access to the training?

You will have access to the training material for 6-months, starting when you enroll. 

I don't have an audience or online business yet. Is Clients With Purpose right for me?

If you don't have an online business yet, but you have an idea, expertise, or passion about a particular topic, you're on the right track and in the best place to build a business the right way, from the start.

Market Mastery (the 2nd module in Clients With Purpose) will help you find the right audience and focus on the right problem to solve and prove you have the right idea.

To be honest, it's gut-wrenching watching an entrepreneur with a bad idea waste years of their time building on a bad foundation. Starting Clients With Purpose with just an idea will make sure that doesn't become you.

How is Clients With Purpose difference from other programs?

This is the only 6-month program that is based on years of best practices and results from hundreds of clients. This is not based off a one-time success or theory.

It's the accumulation of strategies, blueprints, and frameworks all distilled down into a roadmap for recurring success. You don't have to experiment to hopefully find something that works. Just follow the roadmap.

It's been proven to work over and over again.

And don't forget, I've been doing this myself having experience running a 6-figure high-ticket offer coaching and consulting firm. And every single month, I am personally working with other high-level entrepreneurs and influencers on how to build, launch, and scale their high-ticket offers.

AND - we're obsessed with your results.

Some of our clients even call us crazy about it - that's why this isn't a 4-week course. We want to spend 6 months with you, helping you build a business that works for you.

Is there support as I go through the training?

After years of coaching and consulting on a high-level, I know it's very natural to have questions.

That's why we've gone to great lengths to support you through the whole experience.

You get immediate access to our online Slack community where you can direct message me, your support coaches, and talk to all the other mastermind members. You'll also receive support from me during live office hours, monthly high-flame coaching calls, and monthly "practice" sessions.

This is about helping you build massive momentum... and I'm not going to let any questions stop you from getting results.

How does the guarantee work?

Here's the deal...

We know making this type of investment in yourself and/or your business is a big decision. Go through the training. Get coached. If you don't love it, email me anytime during the first 7 days at [email protected], show me you are doing the exercises, and I'll immediately cancel your account. No questions asked.

Is Clients With Purpose right for my business/idea?

It is difficult to say one way or another without knowing more about your particular situation. However, here's how you can identify if your business will work:

Does your market have a problem it's willing to pay for? If so, that's a good indicator.

Is the market already buying high-ticket offers from competitors? If so, that's a great indicator.

Do your dream clients want an extraordinary experience while solving a major problem? If so, that's also a great indicator.

Need additional support  ?

Send us an email at [email protected] – we're more than happy to help!